The Montefortino Celtic Helmet is designed and based on an actual helmet that was found in a Celtic burial site in Montefortino, Italy. The helm has a simple, yet effective design that was favored by Celts, and later, the Romans for use in battle. Like many other Celtic helmets, this one features a pointed cap, although unlike earlier historical examples, this ones point is far more rounded and much shorter. The helmet is rounded across the top and features a wider rim on one side, likely for helping to divert blows, blades, and anything else that might strike the helm away from the wearers face or neck. The helm also features a pair of hinged cheek pieces, which hang down along the face to protect the cheek. The hinged cheek pieces feature three embossed circular patterns, while the actual rim of the helmet features a triple-lined pattern that draws the eye and gives this helmet a slightly more ornate look, although it is still more a functional defense then a showy parade helmet. The Montefortino Celtic Helmet is the perfect example of the Celtic helmet as it evolved, gradually becoming a simple and straight-forward design that was favored for a reason, the excellent level of protection it offered when worn.
Key Features:
- Modeled After Classic Celtic Helmet Design
- Design Based on an Actual Archaeological Find
- A Great Display Piece or Collectors Item
- Makes for a Great Medieval Gift Idea
- Length: 8.25 Inches
- Width: 7.75 Inches
- Outer Circumference: 24.5 Inches