Even a warrior that values mobility in combat has to evaluate the danger of leaving one's legs unprotected in battle. All it would take is one luck strike before that mobility is gone. That's why, at Medieval Armour, we offer a wide assortment of steel full leg armour, because even if leg protection slows you down, it's worth it to have the added defense. Our steel leg armour comes in a variety of different styles and consists of a variety of different pieces, just like actual medieval armour did, centuries ago. Virtually all of our medieval leg armour consists of a cuisse or thigh armour of some kind, providing protection to the upper leg. Most also extend down over the knee, protecting this important joint, before ending along the lower leg. As well as our full leg armour, which covers the whole leg, we also offer 3/4 leg armour, which covers most of the legs and requires only an added set of functional greaves to provide complete and total leg protection. As they are made completely from steel, these sets of medieval leg armour are also fully functional armour, making them an ideal set of SCA leg armour or LARP leg armour, providing all the protection your legs need to shrug off a blow from a padded or heavy foam weapon, while also preventing serious injury from a blow dealt by a blunted sword or training blade. If you're not one-hundred percent sure that your legs won't come under attack (and really, how could you be?) then a good set of steel full leg armour from Medieval Armour is just preventative planning at its best.